Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Spell to Win Your Lady's Heart

"Found among the effects of controversial artist Robert Lenkiewicz, who died five years ago aged 60, the "manuscript grimoire" provides an extraordinary number of conjurations, incantations, signs, portents, spells and folk remedies from the late 16th century.
The anonymous author describes how to use magic not only to find a lover, but also to help find treasure or even prevent theft and punish robbers.
According to the book, the best way to win a woman is for a man to "take a frog and put him in a pot and stop it fast," before advising him to bury the pot in an ant hill at a crossroads.
After nine days, two of the frog's bones should then be removed and placed in a stream or river of running water.
The extraordinary spell continues: "One of them will float against the stream.
"Make thee a ring, and take the part that swum against the stream and set it in the ring, and when you will have any woman put it on her right hand...she shall never rest till she hath been with thee."
Written between 1590 and 1620, the 30-page volume also includes illustrations of the planets with angel."

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