Monday, July 25, 2016

At the Corner in the Darkness

Through the darkness of futures past,  
The magician longs to see,  
One chants out, between two worlds,
walk with me,
Endonia, it's a lovely night,
Chthonia, to bring your spirits,
Arkuia, to spin a web, la red.
Hecate, tis a lovely time,
to bring your dead and wolves,
and spin your web in time
in this place.
Come giant Hekate.
Dogs bark in the night in
greeting, and every spirit here
stirs, and the night shines dark,
and we look to your three faces,
Medeousa, Panopaia, Oistroplaneia.
Hecate. I wish to know.
Endonia, it's a lovely night,
a good time to show yourself,
Chthonia, to bring your spirits,
Arkuia, to spin a web, la red.
Hecate, tis a lovely time,
to bring your dead and wolves,
and spin your web in time
in this place.
Come, giant Hekate
Dogs bark in the night in
greeting, and every spirit here
stirs, and the night shines dark,
and we look to your three faces,
Medeousa, Panopaia, Oistroplaneia.
Hecate. I wish to know.
Kore, hear, you who’ve parted
gates of steel unbreakable.
o Artemis, who, too,
were once protectress,
mighty one, mistress,
who burst forth from the earth,
dog-leader, all-tamer,
crossroad goddess, triple-headed,
bringer of light, august
virgin, I call you fawn-slayer,
crafty, o infernal one,
and many formed.
Come, Hekate, goddess of three ways,
who with your fire-breathing phantoms
have been allotted dreaded roads and harsh
Hekate I call you with those who have
died without a wife and children,
hissing wildly, yearning in their hearts
“(but others say, “with forms of winds”).

Fire, walk with me.

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