Thursday, July 27, 2017

The Unicorn Sanctuary

The dedication of those thousand acres to the cause of preserving and studying this delicate, newly discovered species raised a number of concerns, all of which became instructive as the permutations of subspecies of species of our species continued to be discovered at a shocking pace, transforming society and its institutions so completely there came a call for the end of such classifications as taught in basic biology. The unicorns, as the first break-away subspecies from the human genetic line, found themselves with the mostly unanticipated task of defining how a society structured of by and for humans was going to seamlessly incorporate critters as diverse as aquatic fairy land manatees, tricolor surface earthworms, the aforementioned unicorns, and an array that, the instant the unicorn discovery was announced, began to burgeon and burgeon some more. Needless to say, the complexities this presented became considerable.

The unicorn sanctuary, a long-held dream of one anonymous donor, exists because of the struggle these first unicorns faced.

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