Saturday, March 3, 2018

Refine Rapture

Exceed by delicacy,
Lace Subtle the Laughter,
The Knife for Touch,
The Light day and night,
Peeled for In Sight,
Melding Twin Forces,
Hermaphroditic Dance,
High Voltage Take Over,
This Aware, This is Aware,
And Self, Thinking is linking,

Spider, Snakes, Volts, Waves,
Vines, Cat Tails, Light Long
Internal and Process Guided,
Vision Hermaphrodite, Chimera,
Embodiment Match to Strike,
I'm seen in Dimensions,
Beauty Cupids Arrow,
Excellent Kisses From
Starlit Heaven, To the Secret
Heart of Existence. Refined
Rapture Left, Never a veil,
But Vine. Columbia. Your
Wine, Sweet the Onion,
Turneth, Pardons Umteenth,
Cultivate, Remove, Scarlet,
Bring only what is needed
Expedition-wise, Love is
the Sovle Coagula.

Hocus Pocus, Walla Walla English Quballa 588
Prophet, Garden of Eden, Alpha and Omega, Chosen One, Angel of Death, Oblivion, Jewelry, Eleven Cubed, Luciferian, Honey Bees, Python, Mission, Zephyr, Blue Star, Baby Boomer, Eight Eight, Daddys Home, Thanatos, Sun Ray, Aid of Deity, Sunset, Thanatos, Rare Light, Dualisms, Bloom Box, Hand of Fatima, Ping Pong.

Thanatos, Hypnos. Twins.
Liber Concerning Death
Delivered Amorn. Hocus
Pocus, Prometheus,
Infinite Love, Boogie
Street, Hermaphrodite,
In Two Minds, The Holy
Grail, Clairvoyant, The
Word of God, Love is
The All, It is all coming
Back, Fell to Earth, Orion,
Idol of Baphomet, Net
Goddess, Knock on Wood.
Chioth ha Qodesh,

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