Monday, April 2, 2018


The following chapter from The Book of Lies, or Liber 333, was placed at the top of my blog on Sunday May 24th 2009 and all week long I asked anyone who wished to partake in the discussion to feel free to join in and send me their views, ideas and interpretations. The end result is this Epistle.

Concerning the Holy Three-in-Naught.
Nuit, Hadit, Ra-Hoor-Khuit, are only to be understood
by the Master of the Temple.They are above The Abyss, 
and contain all contradiction in themselves.
Below them is a seeming duality of Chaos and
Babalon; these are called Father and Mother, but
it is not so.  They are called Brother and Sister,
but it is not so.  They are called Husband and
Wife, but it is not so.
The reflection of All is Pan: the Night of Pan is the
Annihilation of the All.
Cast down through The Abyss is the Light, the Rosy
Cross, the rapture of Union that destroys, that is
The Way.  The Rosy Cross is the Ambassador of Pan. 
How infinite is the distance form This to That! Yet
All is Here and Now.  Nor is there any There or Then;
for all that is, what is it but a manifestation, that is,
     a part, that is, a falsehood, of THAT which is not?
   Yet THAT which is not neither is nor is not That
     which is!
   Identity is perfect; therefore the Law of Identity is
     but a lie.  For there is no subject, and there is no
     predicate; nor is there the contradictory of either
     of these things.
   Holy, Holy, Holy are these Truths that I utter,
     knowing them to be but falsehoods, broken mirrors,
     troubled waters; hide me, O our Lady, in Thy
     Womb! for I may not endure the rapture.
   In this utterance of falsehood upon falsehood, whose
     contradictories are also false, it seems as if That
     which I uttered not were true.
   Blessed, unutterably blessed, is this last of the
     illusions; let me play the man, and thrust it from

     me!  Amen.

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