Friday, August 26, 2016

Red Shift

Black is velvet.
Putting down 
Knives do
their own.
Let loose.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Clothed in Smoke

I am smokey from your pyre
and smoke rises to the skies
where the black bird flies
Mars and Saturn be praised
The morningstar bestows light
and I'll tell the story and bring
the spirits and heal. Rainbow
weeds I'll dawn new to flower
For Mars I wear Red.
for Saturn, Black.
For the star of morning,
Blue. This day. It begins.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Eyes and Face

Her eyes were striped animals
Bursting from the face that covered
her skull-front neatly. The Mask
was one of many, but the Eyes
remained the Beasts that tentacled forth
to snag eyes and pull them back.
taste the behind of the eyes--
masks get cut, cracked,
pulled in awkward skews.
Strange faces, transmogrified
identity, the other creatures,
and stranger eyes.
Striped animals that catch,
in vast. stain the behind of the eyes-
transmits through golden tips
circuitations of the webs
we're full of webs. every one
one mask disremembered how-
to smile. But another will learn.
sentimentality banes that power.
chant out between. worlds. fire.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Drawing Shadows

Darklings in day
fly to Night and
Expand heavenward.
The Other you know
has Another life you don't.
I saw the Shadows drawn
to the Swarming sparks
of a Dying beast who
lay in the dark, abandoned.
Feel now, they Gather,
and they will feed on
the Sparks of you.

On the Dangers of Slinging Shit

Derwood Drumpf was orange with a fire-engine red hair and giant blue lips that occupied half his face. Since his father'd been a businessman of some skill, having sold widgets to half of the population of the United States, he'd inherited a tidy fortune, so people tended not to notice his anomalous appearance. Nobody knew what a widget was for, which mattered little to half the population of the United States. That Derwood was a huge success was indisputable. He was the best known clown in the world, having built his clown lifestyle brand such that half the population of the United States had somehow become consumers of his clown products in one manner of another. Drumpf brand clown paraphernalia was only the tip of the iceberg, and was indeed where the iceberg began to take shape, although it hadn't been a sensation until the Drumpf clown lifestyle came into being. The rest of the iceberg was formed from Drumpf events, clown resorts, clown college, clown television shows, clown races and so many other clown-themed products that even Drumpf couldn't keep track. It was, many realized in retrospect, inevitable that he should want to re-brand the United States as a clown republic.

Derwood Drumpf's death on live television after his nomination by a political party to whom half of the population of the United States had ties, was shocking, even by Drumpf standards. He'd promised his followers free clown makeup after he nuked the rest of the world, and he'd whipped crowds into a frenzy by shitting on the stage during debates and throwing his own feces at his opponent and into the crowd. He'd promised to arrest everyone who was not a consumer of clown products and place them in forced labor camps. He'd sworn he'd stop boondoggles like public education and vowed to dismantle the environment. It was a utopian dream for the insane clown constituency and it seemed like a utopian dream to a lot of people who had no idea what the word “utopia” might mean. Many of these people owned widgets and Drumpf Brand Clown Makeup. The clown makeup, it would turn out, was the beginning of the Drumpfpocalypse. Whether happy accident, or design, observers cannot be sure, but the clown makeup did contain very high levels of lead. Skeptics of the design theory point out that for a person to buy the product, intelligence already had to have been compromised. That's probably true. But once Drumpf began his presidential run, his followers needed ways to show their disdain for the intelligence of people who valued intelligence, and so the clown makeup became a badge of Drumpf loyalty.

That was just the beginning. Drumpf supporters began to demonstrate their disdain for all things they considered “liberal” en masse. After the clown makeup, there were public demonstrations against clean air, in which the participants would inhale from plastic bags the contents of Drumpf Canned Air Pollution. Then came Drumpf Anti-EPA Water, which was pumped out of genuine fracked wells and which also worked as an accelerant for setting fire to trees, which Drumpf supporters disliked greatly. Drumpf himself participated in many of these public displays, but it's widely debated whether or not his participation was real, or the products in use were swapped out for less harmful substitutes. His followers morphed. If one envisions a zombie apocalypse, throngs of brain-dead, leering freaks characterized by dragging feet, rolling eyes, drooling, grunting and such attendant sights one gets a fairly good picture of a Drumpf rally. The clown makeup began to be more haphazardly applied, though. Sometimes the blue lip paint covering the entire face, sometimes the orange taking over, but nearly always a mess.

That was when Drumpf came up with his most brilliant product of all time. It was Drumpf Artificial Cheese Flavored Cold Drink Mix. Served over ice it was a bit gummy, but delicious in a way that liberals would never understand. A quaff to unhealth and anti-culture, it also mixed perfectly with the Drumpf Brand Water product, the solvents in which made it less lumpy on mixing. Naturally, a range of alcoholic cocktails spun off from the original product. It was all clearly labeled “carcinogenic” and “mostly poison,” so Drumpf fans felt it was a show of Americaness to guzzle it in great quantity.

Then came the debates. Drumpf was determined to prove his opponent wrong and evil so, in preparation he ate enormous quantities of Mexican food for a week before the big event. (His staff nicknamed the day of the debates “Taco Tuesday.”) It was during the run up to the debates the the Drumpf Clown Brand development team invented what has been hailed as the nuke in clown paraphernalia arsenal. The Drumpf Super-Shit Clown Ass-Assination Shitsplosion Suit. This was truly a wonder of disgusting innovation. By the day of the debates Drumpf had, on his person, fifty pounds of shit, along with whatever he held in his internal reserves. The suit allowed for varying sizes of output, depending on the question so that he could demonstrate on the debate stage responses ranging from barely giving a shit, all the way to shit-nado and and shit-o-caust. Different nozzles on the suit allowed for spraying, plopping, projecting, sharting and dribbling, among other modes of output, which required varying degrees of pressurization and liquifaction and expulsion. It should probably have come as no surprise that this contraption was a bit dangerous, although that would not likely have prevented Drumpf using it. The potential of a shit-splosion was simply too wonderful to pass up.

Drumpf waddled sloshily to the stage cocooned in the full-body shit reservoirs concealed by his custom made red pinstripe suit. His opponent wore a tasteful pantsuit. The first few questions went off just as planned. Drumpf squirted a tiny liquid stream of shit down his pantleg in response to a question about toxic wasted being dumped into public water supplies. His answer to a question about diplomatic relations with China was an enigmatic, but possibly profound eruption of percussive gas followed by a few plops that fell from a cleverly disguised nozzle at the back of his suit. This is where some debate watchers may have begun to sense that Drumpf and company had failed to fully think through the full ramifications of this strategy. Drumpf appeared to slip a bit on some of the shit. Footwear clearly had not been discussed and it was apparent that his wingtips were not designed for treading shit. He caught himself, but as the questions began to pile up and he stooped now and then to scoop up some poo to fling into the audience or at his opponent, he struggled to stay upright. He began to turn positively puce, which was fascinating given that he was usually orange. The bright blue of his lips took on a crimson hue. His arms windmilled and his feet did many dances of near calamity. The moment when he started to lose control of the shit selector mechanism is apparent upon replay of the video. Dribbling and sharting and spraying suddenly began to happen out of synch with the questions and a vein is seen to throb in just under his bright red hairline. 

Whether it was entirely the pressure in the suit or whether extreme colon impaction combined with massive amounts of methane contributed to the explosion is still a subject of some debate. Whatever the final determination may reveal, the issue of who won the debate was nearly unanimous. The sight, sound and stench of Drumpf, body parts, blood and guts, blended with excrement spewing outward under bright lights, coating, congealing, glistening, bright and dark, was a spectacle that no cagey hem and haw would riseto.

Nearly half of all Americans voted for Drumpf in spite of the fact that he was dead, exploded in a rain of shit on live television. Quite a few of that nearly half died in short order after the explosion. Consuming poison has that effect.

There are those who are so constricted and sick in themselves that the thought of their own freedom is a horror, and that of others a fierce pain; so that they would enslave all men. And these you should shun, or, if you must, destroy them as you will know how, for this also is bounty.

May sunlight cleanse. She. Rises. 

Thursday, August 11, 2016


Thanks for the light
I'm apool, swimming, 
in the white shine, 
shimmer glow, of it. 

Monday, August 8, 2016

Myth and Make

The myth must be written 
by one. The beginning is
small items. Suggestion,
web, and spider hair.

Sagging Bag

The animal portion of the Creature
began to Break into it's
concomitant parts. Break.
Lustrate re-volve.
sparkles flew in a Gazillion
 Directions. Break.
The consumers
of things aglitter arrived to Glory
the glist-gore absorbed
into purple-glow.
Transmogrified psycho.
Taste the rainbow after
lightning cracks the
sky of skull.

It's funny. How things Evil.
Make Glory in destruction,
bubbling around to rise and
collapse into nothing/
All. It becomes the story
of a monster Defeated.

But it was always vanishing.
Process and myth and nature.
Close. Meta.
Laughter shatters.

de Nude

Friday, August 5, 2016

Thursday, August 4, 2016


It continues,
There are arrivals,
and departures,
We ask safe travels
to our next arrival,
and our next.
St. Christopher
the journey continues.
Ship to Port. Land
in place, new and old,
dressed in red, chariot
electric, perfumes
on the glimmering
air waft in the blue hour.
Story for the millions of
eyes that charge our
currents. To arrive
yet again.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Weapons in the Desert

Harsh environments create tough magic.
I am unrecognizable. Except to myself.
Transformation is the work of the magi.
Do it to beckon power. Broken.
I became a thousand eyes. A glamour
Cast. I will transform.


That one formed,
I've been working
myself into inhabiting
that function.
This ritual is
Snakes for hair,
bats set free
from belfry,
on the prowl
with so many
Peeking through
even the keyholes.
This function
to inhabit the
form made.
The bird,
the egg.
To hatch a

As Flies

Broken mirror,
shows the most.
I let a flock fly,
and far flung,
straight and not,
and back they came,
Full, again.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Find My Way

Just a shot away.
I found it.
It was always
offered, there,
in the distance,
I've missed the
call before,
but now I see,

Anubis, I Bloom

I am the lily of the Nile,
Burst open with light,
throwing sparks, arcing,
You open me and split
the veil, and show me
the secrets for which,
we don't have words.
Through me, I go through,
light, you come through,
and everything flows through.
Anubis, I bloom. In black,
I am visible dark. You,
the bringer of light.


It's usually so serious, magma.
Red and hot and ruining things.
Except for rocks, which it forms.