Saturday, June 3, 2017

Bad Juju Greeting Cards

Dateline Walla, this released to the use of the spirit. Alma. Gift to fly forward. Sister. 

It was the summer of '13 when I opened my online shop of Bad Juju Greeting Cards. I haven't sold many. Two hundred, total at this writing. There are easier ways to go forward than really balancing the books, but none so permanent. A drugstore greeting card is usually more what the scorned, burnt, battered and worn want. If they are honest with themselves, what they're really trying to do is to go one more round. Saddle up again and take another belt. Because it's addictive. Because you think he's prince charming in disguise. Because you think doing it one more time will yield different results. Because you are sacrificing yourself, you fucking martyr.

The first one I did was a trial balloon, as were the next several. It involved graveyard dust, very specifically sourced; pressed flowers: delphinium, nightshade, wolfsbane; gardenia perfume; glitter, because that shit sticks to everything. Black card stock. A poem. It, of course contains a code. Maybe I'll make this all clearer, or maybe you'll just have to figure it out for yourself, since that's probably why you're reading this story. You want to know how it's done. Or not. I guess we could go that way too. The recipient died in three days. I tried several more with similar results.

You can check the death records. You see, I did, as I could source the appropriate gravedust, a series of notorious killers. Karmically speaking those dudes are freebies several times over, so, research subjects they became. "Welcome to the Jungle, Baby." That's the Bad Juju Greeting Cards slogan.  Like any good scientist, I chose my subjects by strict adherence to protocol and payed close attention to results. Even I was surprised at just how well my lovely missives landed. One recipient lasted a month, which was the cutoff for my categorizing the case a success. He was the champion survivor.

The first took about three days. That's allowing two days for mail delivery. I researched this as well I could by asking a few sources about mail delivery practices. I estimated delivery times with subsequent mailings depending upon distance and then adding two days for receiving and routing within the institution. La Alma, que dolorosa, no more. Girl-Monster-Weapon.

I created a separate category for cases in which the recipient died before the Bad Juju Greeting could be delivered. Out of the original trial group, there were seven of those. Forty regular kills and nine pre-mail successes. 49 total scumbags, and that was the birth of Bad Juju Greetings.

Anyone who would invoke such a thing must be prepared and grounded and full of fun. Just to say, it's a demanding thing to think out. In the presence of spirits whose friendship you have sought out, you find a good vibe way of working through the iterations of these ideas, which is why one might assiduously seek some connections in the dimensions before you even take up a task like working through a whole lifetime's baggage to free oneself from the real and true spiritual scar tissue that is too binding of a thing to keep. Metaphor and not. What these cards evoke is healing for all involved. For that is the only reason to confront the baggage of the sorts of events that would occasion such a response as Bad Juju Greeting Card.

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