Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Moon-lit Fields, Once Babalon

Blooming Now in Radiant, 
White, SHE arises. Every.

November 27: Pisces

The constellation Pisces passes across the south this evening. It consists of two delicate streamers of stars that join to form a V. The point of the V is sometimes called the Heavenly Knot. Star lore says it ties two fish together by their tails.

November 28: Evening Stars

Myriad bright stars twinkle across the sky early this evening. In the west, look for the stars of the Summer Triangle, Vega, Deneb, and Altair. Fomalhaut is low in the south, and yellow-orange Capella is low in the northeast.

November 29: Cassiopeia Clock

Cassiopeia the queen is one of the most prominent star patterns of autumn and early winter. The W- or M-shaped constellation circles the North Star like the hand of a clock, though in a counter-clockwise direction.

December 1: RR Lyrae

Lyra is in the west as night falls, marked by its brightest star, Vega. RR Lyrae, a star that plays a key role in measuring the distances to all stars, stands above Vega. You need binoculars or a telescope to spot it, however.

mythology: Nereus was the old man of the sea, father of the sea nymphs, the Nereids.

West Beale Street Mojave county general hospital (baal consort of astarte) (baelzebub


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