Sunday, October 30, 2016

Star Seven Sigil

She wears a diadem of seven stars,
 wears she a diadem of stars, seven
stars diadem of she wears a seven
seven she stars a wears of diadem,
Diadem she wears of seven stars--
Seven stars she diadem a wears of Stars wears diadem she a of seven
Star of morning and evening,
morning and evening, star of
evening and star of morning,
And wearing diadem the horizon,

Clothed in the scarlet of sun
rise and set. Star of morning,
evening. A diadem of stars,
Eyes of darkest night,
containing the daylights of
billions of stars.

We in shadow of earth, on
the dark side of the planet
feel acutely the blade-edges
of the days. Star of morning
of evening -- at the edges

Transmit, expand, we gather.
She wears a crown of stars, seven
seven stars are diamonds in lightning,
in perfect mind. Thunder perfect.
She wears a crown of seven stars,
perfect stars, seven perfect.
We contain the germination.

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