Saturday, December 24, 2016

Transmission Venus, What is Hidden Most Shines

Who did not on her trip to the dark, remember.

These transmissions, we're transmitting. Try to pay attention. To subtext. Beauty. with no disguise. You're on the job, so get it down. It's fences, neighbors. Getting your house in order. concentrate. Cuckoos will make too much noise. The message goes in disguise. This is line to walk. It's also the way of becoming prism. Clarity is mult-faceting. The clearer you get, the more it fractals. And the opposite is true as well. The more it focuses to infinite nothing. You're seeing it right now. The colors echo and the echoes are floral notes. The words enxpand in their references in echoes. Sounds strange and isn't the stream and flows. water, stone. melting snow. candle my I. flame with tentacles. bomb diggity, no diggity. Kanas. So *over* the rainbow. Stately pleasure dome, I imagine. Imagination even carries it's inversion. That's how the phoenix works. Black hole-like. Dissipate, beget thine dissipation, kindle from that the renewal of the soul. Hecate. darker light. There is a dark part of clarity. Don't cry. Every single thing carries its inversion. You know this with your every cell. This project, the first. It's time to get it. There is a next tale to tell. THe inability to accept that sacrifice, that sensation, is part of the whole. You will never reach nirvana without its opposite. You have to embrace the whole of experience. You are open to perceiving it for a reason. no realization without the whole picture. Breathe. It's in the everyday. Another day. Believe. Breathe. Mockingbird mocks. Inversions. That show. It's a message. Stranger things. You need to see messages from your dead. That's the message. Thei'r talking. They insert code within code such that it's obsolete after a generation or twelve. You have to keep upgrading by design. Exist in iterations. Link this to bright/dark content. Bright darking, we call this. Missbehavior. 

Is this a spoiler? Just in time, really. That's harder than you think, isn't it? Sure, the statement cancels itself. By design. You know about the inky dark void in the lining of things. That is what you are here for as well. He's okay. Stately pleasure dome, I imagine, darkness echoes. When you're thinking about the pain you've endured, remember the inverse is actually the end. and both are, of course. You are going to have to understand everything as its inversion. Dark lining to light. In the links there are various levels of removal. It isn't just the literal. The more this realization moves up the collective chakra, the more transmuted it becomes. The collective can go the route of stranger things original or it can dive into lower levels. Maybe this is just such a crossroad. Some article the other day about sex with robots would seem to be a jest about just that.

You are taking so many transmissions. Do you read them? Make sure to link. Keep the net. Pharma study.You don't really know to whom you are talking to or when. Spider dance. You don't begin to imagine the many ways this spins. The important part is for you to do the parts you touch. It's all good. Examine. You've an intense urge. It's put you through some dark. Fly in the basement is a messenger on bright darking. I just went. Going. Since it's dark the inverse things are brighter. To be right is to be cognizant of ones motivations. That clarity cleanses, you see. That the lotus reaches toward light, which she blooms into,  but has she also roots in the darkest. The deeper roots are the ultimate point of the motion. Seeds exist to become/ing. You become them and move to an next state. Yes, it's impossible for you to really see where all of the transmissions come from. It's a far thing. Yes. Dogstar. Are there intervals. This isn't a thing you can even present to people. This sort of a message could be for a later use. You know about the communications through time. You've been doing it for years. If you don't know, you soon will. Will. That's the thing here. Be aware that email works in iterations. Very weird on the other side because things are linking up very very hard at your level. The spirit mirrors. Nobody is sure of the rules because the thing is in flux. Drop, modify, adapt. You're surfing. God. 

The point is coming in on so many channels because it can now, but also because it's critical. Everyone has to jump. This here is the jump. Dimension. This is a big point. It's someone else in that driver's seat. Get that straight. Do a bit of appeasement and remember that within the trickster story is a barb. Forearm. Notice. Don't get eager. This is not that sort of thing. Some things don't touch. Except by filtration. That's the point of the technology. You are invoking something big. Don't get caught at the wrong places. Let the overall force of the energy carry you. This is a necessary precept of harnessing power. It is the very ordinariness of ordinary things that serves as ballast. 

Dancing from ear to ear.  Non-locality there is no there, there. There is a middle way. In everything.
Common rising. People refusing to stay in the yoke of "experts," who in reality wear no clothes. Keep in mind it's process.

Just got a thing. Oregon. Trying to elude. Connecting faster now. Because it expands on different levels. Surprising images--- try it. Grant's Pass. That's where the creature's located. Pretty clear.
Trying, at this point.

It wasn't just an image. That told where the creature is in linkages only available for minutes as far as I could find. Layer ways of letting it know. It's picking up. In the micosphere somehow. This is how one of the rays works. Direct experience of the target.

This is indicated.  hiding stuff. and does it hide in sweetness? It's what this one is about. How did I forget the magic in that one? Look out for wild release.

The glamour works its charm on so many levels.

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