Sunday, April 23, 2017

Prophecy 49, Word of Babalon

Behold my raiment bedecked of jewels
that are glittering eyes thousand-fold
each a daughter, shining prism of my glory.
Morning star and evening star my witness.
Light bringer my prince, I am known to
every learned creature among you.
Behold my daughters born among men,
the red flames of my beauty expressed
through each, these splendid witches,
these gorgeous harlots and preistesses,
mine, all. Their bodies my temples, their
eyes, jewels bearing my light, their quivering
flesh, the very expression of my glory.
Behold how my daughters have bourne forth
the gifts of my divine light to the sons
of men and have been worshiped by men as
goddesses incarnate, manhood prostrated
on my perfumed altars, worshipped with
rapture of sense, penitants drunk on pleasure,
before my priestesses. Men supped, filled
with wisdom, enflamed of my vision through
the earthly possessors of my glory.
But behold also how those very
sons of men who have gained most from the
riches of my daughters have then spurned
my chosen vehicles, crushed my daughters
under boot heels and sought their humiliation,
their destruction, their pain and undoing.
This prophesy I give you sons of men.
Those you would call prophets have counseled
rape and terror; degradation and destruction;
defilement and humiliation be brought bear
against my chosen daughters. Vile prophets' vision's
paltry limits enfeebled by the beauty of
my exalted creation, my blessed conveyers, those
small creatures writhed as worms in the agony
of envy and from the bitterness engendered
of their own meagerness they counseled the
continuous violation of mine own best-loved,
my priestesses, sorceresses, seers. They
instructed the sons of men to befoul my
favored daughters and all of my creation.
That which engenders life, which brings
into being the miraculous; all expressions
of my glory, those are the very things
your prophets have instructed you to hate.
This prophetess, mine, you shall heed her
instruction. Those who have taken the
gifts of my daughters so freely proffered
only to besmirch the bearers of those gifts,
you shall taste my fury beyond this world,
in all the manifold iterations of my
creation. All that you have taken only to
repay with evil, that and more shall be
repealed. What was graciously given, the
sumptuousness of the senses, the wisdom,
and the vision and the holy light, your
ingratitude now transforms to destruction
that I shall wield against you. I am light.
I am dark. I am the chroma which scintillates
vision. I am the ecstasy of flesh. I am the
rapture of music and poetry. I am all
of splendor. I am all of beauty. I am all.
This, sons of men, those who have given
hatred to my creation, all goodness is what you
now relinquish. Do not feign surprise.
This is the harvest you did sow, your
bitterness fruiting manifold and the pain
you meted out multiplied and distilled to
a draught that you will not now spurn.
Your women who have added their scorn to
yours and who have deigned abuse my
living altars, it would be better for them
had they never taken breath. Pain is now
their lot and will be bound to your
iniquities as they have participated
in your sins. This, my word, is spoken.
This now comes to pass. This day sows
the death of him who would be vampire
and feed from my vessel without recompense.
This day ends your banquet of iniquity.
You are ground under heel as stone, burned
to ash, scattered to wind and washed away.
Without light there is not even darkness.
This shall be your recompense as this
is what you've wrought, so the lack of lack
is now your soul's part.


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