Monday, April 24, 2017

Sizzle Electric Dead Man

A little tea, perhaps for two,
and I review the record of the time,
Pulled the skein free again,
The expansion is clear to me,
West Texas in the rear-view
needs be. Cast somehow,
run through. Through hard,
the hard way. It is because.
This is backward facing, but
the medium is the message
and it must be run through
twice-- each direction, for
the remembering. Without
the recount, there is no time,
You can't lose it. This is how
spirit functions in time and
you're learning. You see in
multiples when unmoored,
and it's easy to lose focus,
loose focus. The difference,
is fundamental to the medium.
Part of this lesson is exactly
about time as a fluid. In which,
you swim. There are a lot
of omens, so attention.
undulating end line.
serpentine. doors
of perception,
Beyond moving
beyond the chinks
on one's cavern, holy,
all becomes holy by this
mechanism. See the facets
of how the story functions/texts
It is thus you begin
to fully inhabit the form
the the medium, by careful
attention is bound up for what
the story is meant to convey,
the way this is arriving
is part of the message.
Such is structured
for the purpose also
of incantation. You see
I feels like the infinite S
You needed the balast.
Weeks of clarity. In the
physical direction. It keeps
present in focus.
“Improvement makes
straight roads, but the crooked
roads, without Improvement, are roads
of Genius. This is the instruction and the
form of instruction and the record of such.
paintings also. accruals of time. The media
are different types of time-based remembering.
Trees' life of a season, a string knotted intersectionally,
layers, geologic. My own participation in those pieces of
the time-map. I've held the answer all along. It was in front
of me all this time. The pine cones. When it all began in 2013.
I gathered the first sugarpine cones in June, 13. Ashland. It was.
Exactly then. It's never not been right in front of me. Seeds sown,
gathered, reimagined. Digest. It need not take you swirling back there.
Remember the vines, corkscrewing in linear time. You've been stalled on
that particular truth even having known. approaching cycle, and needing to
jump out of it. Planting tomatoes brings it up. Don't try to put it from memory.
you know exactly how well that works. Observe carefully this process because
it's a reclaiming. ongoing ritual. to recomplete the vision unto the fracturing of the
next iteration. you have seen enough to model the process internally. Reclaiming the
memory of what you knew is a way of darning the thread. Making it trace vibration solid.
The alternate visions remain. The potential is disorientation but the shatter serves now in rapid
complexification. Not knitting that knowledge in leaves a rent, so denial is self destruction. See all.
Only thus can you push toward the boundary of the far margin and see the reflection for what it is that once and foraalll the boundary is overcome. This is how those bonds upon vision are made to break> and precisely, with good aim, to be broken. The eagle never lost so much time as when it submitted to learn from the crow so let go of your crow and be eagle. That business behind. Foraalll. Knowledge of any sort must be wrested. Beg, borrow, steal. Get it. There's nothing remotely merchantile to the smash and grab that is the speed game. You're a good slogger, now jump. You always do this in
dream. Think about how flying works. Sun and star is the blueprint. Inspiration to expression.
having crossed certain oceans the people will ridicule your stories, but that is a feature of the
bubble. That is what it's like to perceive beyond the wall. That can't really worry you. it's
always been a given. When you pore over time like this it's very strange and it rubs into
you. There's a strong reverberation sometimes. Just as form just broke again. It's going
to be the breaks that tell the story. to see. EDGES. Boundaries, link. Breech
points. A working of nine moons bears fruition in June. Fullness, dawn.
Not returned as human, he having taken the black pilgrimage. You read
the instruction 49, having been prepared. Time capsule. Blue Note.
very much his style. This is not unlike how Parsons reading aloud
from Crowley became Aiwass, dictating as he was reading. The
iterations are necessary.

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