Thursday, September 7, 2017

Garter Stripe Speed Racer

She's gone more in for a pop flair.
A slight mensware vibe, but still bohemian.
Potlatch buffet world rhizome incant.
Enchanted to meet across canyons
Manmade impediments don't hold in
Treks for wearing rainbow specs
Souls gone dark need cleansed of smoke
Re-enchantment is integration bridge
of chromic dimension multi-layered
and full of drama, movement, sex-appeal.
Fun and passion is all the rage, but in a
Different more tribal vibe. What we
Forgot to our detriment is the new wave
It's a story my people tell with a coiled
Skein of memory twisted in our cells
The serpent ascends from muddy waters
Feel. Acutely. I meet myself on a bridge
Gods of continents emerge recon.
Renouncing smoke and deluge for
a top down approach, sedimentary
layers reveal a connected heritage
outlasting aeons, emerging from
A cloud of smoke, Exotic Glamour
Bespeaking days of renunciation,
Redemption from the conflagrations
of a lifetime burning from the spark
of strange beginnings. For there are no
Wrong ways to make a journey if
Arrival is the result. What has been
Held back is sometimes the big
Big News. We are bigger than the
Puppet show. The Look these days is
Cosmic. This girl rocks a stellar
walk. She exudes neon and moonbeam
No more smoke in secret rage
She wears it as an accessory
Glamour requiring an air of mystery
But balanced with the softer elements
Boning is sometimes essential to the
Movement in the miraculous direction.

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