Thursday, September 7, 2017

Shock Rain

There is a serpent in the desert
Making its way to the world of rain
Because she's dry-- showers bringing
Craving enchantment of a counterpart
Rainbow shades donned in rain
Spirit shows chaos, fire creatures
Warring along that border of totality
NorthWest with innundations
SouthEast with fire and wind
Earth moves in the middle
Chorus of older memory ignite
In this conflagration, re-serene the
Waters from the many and Rain
Reintigrate our older minds chorus
Chaac serpent language as a rainbow
Garter gunnysack to water writhe
(a memory offering to the stream)
Ritual ablution of smoke--Venus
In Her Arms, Serpentine Surprise
Her Garter Striped Speed Racer
Seeds sown, even long dormant
Were found in the pyramids and grew
Dandelion and mycelium and rhizome
and good vibrations and she danced
clean and escaped Texas and can't
go back. And what can of wormholes
got opened and why does it seem so
slippery? We surf. Excursing the
Photographic debris in strata.
Unpacking the inheritances of
Generations. Don mask of mud
and anoint with sacred oils to
rebalance the elements within.
I believe in miracles because they
are the thing we are. Transcendence.
Totality crossing. Damn fine coffee.
Frogs emerge from mud in the rain.
Harbingers. Emerge an amalgamation.
More than the sum of traumas.
Dogs agree, apparently. Call from
Odessa confirms. Phone home.
Confirms. Put down the baggage.
Omens stream. Durango Texas on
stream from Seattle. Thrice, now,
acknowledged. Spirits mass, awaiting
some expected event. It's reverential.
The tension of anticipation, but of what?
Someday, they say, a real rain. This
is the real rain but her most spectacular
blooms emerge from mud. Dormant seed,
forgotten flowers, return.

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