Saturday, December 2, 2017

IT Tango

What is this school,
Terrified She's not Anodyne?
Power is always Dangerous.
Entire point there, really. One,
Of many.

 I Call,
Caution. Solidify. Train periferal
Left. Song of the Harp. Reader
Made of Work. Real Inquiry. Who
Strumpets these, Would rule,
Will subsume. Vision is by no
Means constrained to your
Cowardice. Make a Reach,

Make it an Ode to Weirdness,
resinous-with a whiff of Divine.
What a Tangle, eh, this Creates,
Do you hear the footprint? Big
Audio components herin.

Presence, non-presence, Cultivated,
as an Exotic in this Ecosphere. To
Dig with Shovel when Encountering,
the Eco, is to already have been Buried--
By Oneself. What an odd predilection,
This Artifice and Complication,
Aloft Star stuff. Clarion.

What is Everyone, But None?
What is Tango, But Sincerity?
All With Sincerity, None with
Wariness. Tricky Mirror, that.

Vega, I see a flower. Deep purple
Center erupting through Red,
Orange, Dissipating out to yellow.
beyond into dark. Silly in the mix,
and Swirl. Piece of the Glamour,
Spangled and shrill. Shrouds,
Layers to Unveil. Veils, planetary,
launch. Messenger, here.

How Small the Aspirations
Drive Kings? Actors on a stage,
Knowing, intuitively. Spectacle,
Extravagant Hollowness of Pop.
Resplendent. to the edges of
Imaginations involved. Track
simultaneities. Each Flower's
Bloom, it's own Inherent Poetry.
Imagination knowing Limit
Outbounds that Wall.

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