Wednesday, December 6, 2017

My Own Trumpet

Instruments of this Assembly,
Voices song to tale. Gild to
Light. Without to within, Secret
serves well. It inspires Guising
Wild Delirium. Breeding
Oracular. The Broken vessel,
that Masters regeneration, is
the one that Holds a Gale.

Providence of Virgin Mother Whore
Witch. Inextricable. Wake up.
This thread Runs through. It's the
Biggest, Hottest Love Story. The
Magic all over. It sprinkles
Reality with a dusting of Awe.

The scintilla of the silent working,
it's secrets and intimations....    

Inversion, glossolaliareval, Seep to.

Many Waters Majestic. They gaze
skyward. Give Stars their mirrors,
Gazing pools. Stars enamored of
this element, so mysterious to Fire.
And the Water dreams the most Fantastic


Containing our Contradictions,
Constructions and Other. Codes
as inductions to inquiry. Out right
Now. Synching.

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