Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Such is it Written

Thus the Decree--
Alter to alteration's need,
Condition of Reality.

Of course it's fantastic,
That's the Magick,
Play as it does, gather--

With flashing glimmers,
Laughter invokation, to
Wit, the Walla Witch.

So anyhow, It's Written,
and Thus, Is. Crow caws
Three. It's agreed.

Eyes closed, Starheight,
All now, from altitude,
Vessel like an onion

Sweet. Sweet. Sweet.
As many times as is
Necessary and Good.

Mystery of Love, this
Beauty incomprehenasble,
Bound to Death. Contrast,

Rendered bright. So bright
As Stars only Burn, We
Both. So many twins---

I bring Alma, Absence,
Crow, I bring the spirits,
of my own progenitors,

Wrapped double helixed,
in each cell, they're all Awake,
Dancing. Party galactic is on.

Medusa many-sighted,
her mirror and her mask
shift, coalesce simultaneity.

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