Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Knotty Knot

Fool Resolves, the Release.
Born Again, the Phoenix,
Full Fathom thy Doubt--
Soujourner don't sit, nay
droop the sunflower, In the
camouflage the doubt express,
and YET. Rose, crucified,
Spring. This long ritual,
Pure. Prism, to analyze
Light. Split the rainbow,
To integrate the Light. Banish
Fear. Nicotana. Ritual of Sunset,
Ordeal complete.  Bing bang.
Will be done. May it please,
Myth I made. Spells spun,
Webwise, Net cast now, back.
Time traveler, with a pack.
Shoring lines in Time. Out
of ones own way, Lesson of the
Day. Break. Blow. Burn.
Fool, say I. Bright green
Worm harbinger of Spring.

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