Friday, February 2, 2018

Muster Equanimity

All pillars. Cast between
a spun-charm to catch the
Glitter of the moon. I lure
Thee with my harp's Tune.
Strike chord, Send moonlight,
singing starward, glamour
her swirling perspectives
hypnotic with Starlight.
Funhouse villain formula,
because bing bang.

Funhouse mirror shattered
into a bixzillion to that power
Angels, Ha ha ha... Tigers
And Hyenas do tricks in
the Spotlight. Praeter-human
Zoinks in the gear-house
The whole enchilada in the
Mixer with a lot of cooks
and some poisoeurvres hidden
in Plain Sight in Neon with
Rockets' Red Glare.
Forewarned is to send off
to Acme for a time machine.

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