Saturday, May 26, 2018

Paraplastic-- Wicktionary, Trois

glime/slitter: glitter/slime- An assault with glitter-infused slime which is worse than either component on its own. Picture the grossness of slime of the consistency like that which is emitted by an aroused slug paired with the horrible insidiousness of glitter. Make it exude from pustules erupting on the skin and you have a hextraordinarily awful invention. Not only is it horrid, but it pretty much ensures that the victim will have no recourse to a dignified reaction.

hexplode- hex/explode -  A hex causing the victim to explode. The hexer often wants to be far away when this hex goes into effect, as it can get a bit messy. The hexer often wants others who have been deemed deserving in close proximity to the victim for the exact same reason. Hexplosions have sometimes been very effectively combined with glime. (see above)

whimsickening- whimsical/sickening- The whimsical treatment of a sickening thing. Most of the words in the Wicktionary fit this description.

somnambussault- somnambulist/assault- An assault carried out by a sleepwalker. This is an excellent hex feature. The somnambussaulter will not have any idea of the havoc he or she has wrought during slumber.

historivaricate- history/prevaricate- To make stuff up regarding history, thus pretending things happened in ways they never did. Parents, politicians, and religious leaders are prime practitioners.

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