Saturday, May 26, 2018


We've said it before to no-one there, not even the chair, and we'll probably mumble it yet again into the abyss of distratification, but one should be brushing up on cartoon logic, Lulu,  as it is the order of this moment in the reality iteration. Do not be remiss, because this is the ecosystem in which your enchantments land, so take it into account. Reality can undergo a sweeping change when someone casts just the right myth. Whose cartoon is to rule the day? Probably the person who instituted the cartoon logic in the first place. The rollout of the machines is going very badly in cartoon universe. They're being funny now. Why? Because isn't that cute? The evil "genius" whose inventions all end up turning on him in the most silly and ironic ways? It's called "the educational route" and it looks like evil geniuses have just landed on the "go directly to school" space in the grand Monopoly board scheme they're living in. Also, they're getting killed by a unicorn or some form of horselike creature. It changes, but there's always glitter and it's always somehow hilarious. So, you know, we're using this cartoon logic universe to sweep aside the baddies, and garner a lovely place to create the next Eden, because the next iteration in the reality production engine is to be the reality of hyper-beauty not relegated to mere material, but expressed therein and beyond. The future belongs to those who can conjure beauty out of destruction. Grace and loveliness from insane disaster. This is art. This is to love the world. One must imagine the territory, uncharted though it is, in order to pack the expedition kit. It looks glamorous as all get-out, so prepare to be lovely. Starlight really is pretty caught just so in the harpstrings and cast broad, a sparkle. This super-evil thing the evil cartoons have been cooking up just has to go. Toons were never invented to be evil. In fact, it's the opposite. Anyone who ever delved into that world understands as much, so the story is going to go in the direction of the bad guys getting swept off the world board flat earth right now. The plans they so carefully made presupposed a couple of things: 1. that reality is unalterable. 2. That they were in control. Clearly, their plans were founded upon the flimsiest of assumptions. This makes it simpler. The new reality favors beauty. It's rooting even now. Even as the tide of wack super-spells is loosed in Toontown. Transformation is the order of the day. Do it gracefully, or get transformed anyhow. LS could stand to have this happen tomorrow if not today. oo ee oo aa aa ting tang walla walla bing bang. I. Creative Force.

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