Saturday, June 18, 2016

Mirror, Eye, I Fly

Mirror, mirror on the wall.
 It's as if you never knew me at all.
 Perhaps soon I'll introduce me to you,
 it'll be a fine how-do-you-do.

 I think you caught a glimpse of red,
 that time I was out of my head.
 Blue is well-known, long in your cage,
but now is black extrapolated, and red the rage.
 You might check out that empty cage.
 The inmate, it seems, has fled.

 Mirror, mirror, blinking eye,
 now it's time for us to fly.
 I've stopped and counted three, y
ou said you'd make it up to me,
 now it appears that's mine to do,
 sacrifice now is you.

I have my pretty words for blades.
Glitter and shine.
Nerve and bone.
Wanton, wanton,
unbare-- atone.

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