It was a candy tin, the like of which could be found anyplace, or at least that was the appearance of the thing. The reality of the thing was something more exotic. The reality was anything she imagined in any one of her guises. It was a box, the lid of which opened a door to an alternate reality through which the dreamed thing could leap into this world, making this world an altered reality each time it opened. It was a witch-made thing, drawn, itself from dream. It was a magic machine.
An Enchanted Clearing High in the Cascades, which is currently not accessible because of the weather
Friday, June 17, 2016
Witch Box
It was a candy tin, the like of which could be found anyplace, or at least that was the appearance of the thing. The reality of the thing was something more exotic. The reality was anything she imagined in any one of her guises. It was a box, the lid of which opened a door to an alternate reality through which the dreamed thing could leap into this world, making this world an altered reality each time it opened. It was a witch-made thing, drawn, itself from dream. It was a magic machine.
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