Monday, November 14, 2016

On "Sorting Stories"

We have collectively done an excellent job of imagining what could go wrong, yet there is a paucity of tales of how things might go right.  The narratives which do imagine happy futures are fraying at the edges.  Indeed, our old utopias are not only increasingly untenable, many have become downright toxic.  The task, then, for those who find themselves among the looms, is to stay, and to seek out the threads which lead to futures, both individual and collective, which offer more than mere survival.
As is clear from the events of this year, our old legends are dying.  Not only are grand narratives losing power, but artists of mythic potency are departing in droves. With their death, it becomes the responsibility of the living to step into their mythic shoes.  If we do not, we cede that tremendous and vital power to the dead, and to the past.  Though we must bury heroes, we must not inter magic.  Their departure is a promethean call to the living— to become the equal of our ideals, the peers of our heroes.  Love the greatness which shone within them, but also love the greatness growing inside you, and watch the legends beginning to flower in the people around you.

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