Thursday, November 17, 2016

Stairway to Stars 49

Become Vessel. I declare myself
through transformation. I offer
myself as phoenix, up from ash.
The snake uncoils, lotus blooms,
from seed driven deep into dark,
germination cracking bright
the deepest shroud of night.
This consecration, the pure
scream into consciousness--
blinding, blowing, breaking to

The goat begets serpent, and
the born one is the vessel sanctified.
Wild to witch wood, supplicant to Pan.
There was black pilgrimage, a
death from which to struggle free,
I. I study whispers and owl cry and
auguries for instruction.
Free as eagle, devious as serpent,
and oblique as the unknowable--
from the four directions I call
captain, lawyer, agitator, rebel.
I call mother Babalon, as daughter.
voice to shake the foundations,
I invoke all power. The power of
ecstacy, that of renewal, of beauty,
of supreme light-- voice, power,
force and fire, come in.
Debased ones, man and woman,
sacrifice to the basilisk's beak.
the seven veils are stripped away,
and the world quivers, expectant.
She is at the gate, seven stars
her crown and the moon.
This is the way of it, star, star.
Burning bright, moon, witch moon.
All power.

Flame is Our Lady, flame is Her hair.
I am flame. a box of blackness,
a vessel for fire, sanctified in red, alkahest.
all pleasure and purple and drunkenness,
coiled splendor within rides night wings,
blue lidded daughter of sunset,
brilliance of the voluptuous night sky.
descend to triumph as I ascend to triumph,
She has taken flesh, flashing eyes and
floating hair, fed on honey dew and paradise.

kings fall to Babalon.

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