Saturday, January 7, 2017

Pagoda of Starlight Black Mansion Temple

Morning Star
At East End
the sun rises over the crossroad.
Day flows through
no stop.

West End Pearson,
evening star exceeds the setting
sun. Dark returns.
The Black Mansion of
Our Lady, Temple of the Stars
of Morning and Evening, Portal
to the Spirit Side, declared hereby,
purchased clear of the archons,
this Palace of the Rainbow of Day,
and the Rainbow of Dark,
this Humble Dias of La Luz,
the Sanctuary of the Rose,
This Sacristy Inviolate of
the Queen of Fire, Interlopers
must to Pyre, sacrifice to Her.
Ne Vile Fano. Those who enter
with bad intent will have it turn
against them, and their children
and their children's children.
This is the Basilica of the Black Hole
and Prism. Purify. Sanctify. Resonate.
Star for a beacon. Lulu Diamond
Heart of a Centuar. Our Lord
hums and murmurs.

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