Friday, January 27, 2017

Spaces to Inhabit

There are missing posters,
Chalciope, Medusa,
Medea. Most of the
possibilities were omitted.
A sentence is discreet (in).
Like moth wings. stir.
that keep the universe
astir. I'll make a story
for one mostly forgotten.
There will be the place
to jump back into mythic
time. Luz/Venus/Lulu
It's looking like a path
forward now, is through.
Change is that. Key,
unlock bondage of the
heart. Jack of hearts
had message, satiety.
If you draw a jack first
there is a message-
that, in the next card.
Recognize that your will is
also a part of the whole.
WF week 3c/Jc/2h
This might have to do
with the dermembering
I was reminded to do yesterday.
There is a Prestidigitation
about the coming eclipse
and the crypt keeper wasp
the omen of two degrees
of vindemaitrix

Edit. Cut in Colula.
Snap three. Through.
Whistling Song.

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