Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Embody/embo(de)ldeNNN Tricks

Clown/Magician in the street
performing prestedigitations
After the Mercury call. Neon.
Choices still on the table?

Check our bottle.
Stop rushing.
Nonsense, you say?
check the brezz.
if you take a moment,
the time will slow around the
rock in the current. Let rock ground.

Invoked messengers
of all kinds. different
Dancing with myself.
We do fine, the lot.

A series of strangely
hard to do movements.
neural deprog.
1. petting the dogs
both directions.

Winged Mercury
declares: It's fun,
and games. The
dogs howled in
sleep agreement.
In Capricorn,
Direct. Earthing.

Love Buzz. Raining
in the desert. Mojave-
Sunset. Facing yourself
was always going to
be. the bare minimum
cost of consciousness.
Think how tiny that is.
Outside the walls of
self? Eternity. You
Invoke to this moment.
Years long in arrival.
This channel, don't worry
about how it works. It's a
space/time thing that we
both, you and I, understand.
Trust me. We do.
The messages are coming in.
They are speaking in
volumes- opening deep
channels into body
serpent song
in that order. ^
arrow heavenward.
beautiful tricks-- poetry.
don't ask me because you
probably don't want to know.
But, baby, if you do end up asking-
Be prepared for the absolute certainty
that something will show up to see, dear,
if you are well and truly game, saints, angels,
Uncle very bright showed up for a mind-blow.
There's this, and it's about time, sense of, pretty.....
Holy rainbow, and light and pure radiance. To earth.
It will take the patience to bring visions into being, now.
It takes a lot to put together the ingredients for moments such
as these. Lining up for as long as I can remember. The document
which I, today, reopen, is the myth. And the only way to get at the myth-
structure- is to embrace the chaos. Read the Jung bookmark. Part of the point
this cycle is putting away the old archetypes. Hag. Maiden. Which,witch, which?
I've no idea how anyone would come to this exact ebb, but then, strange things are tending
to happen.
let it happen.
this is the time echo.
co-extant with this as
heat comes on. channels.
Simultaneaty of lived experience
thousand-fold meditation on the vast
vast multi-splendor of existence. Miracle.
In every single living thing. Embodying both
is its own protection, healing the divides and seeing
this is the dance as much as any other part. I can't begin.
to explain, so a lot of the message depends upon the clarity
of the messenger. He would say "evidence of treatment is evidence of damage." 
Breath. Take a walk through the other times. Go into your archives, and see what you placed there.
You sent messages all of the time, which helps not at all if you don't pay attention. That's the ground.
astrological message is voluminous, somehow. If you are constructing something to move through dp
you have to allow for some strange eddies to .....
does stranger/strangeness a Cassandra make?
to be sure it's an odd channel.
open channel. Dogon wise.
just let it. simplicity. 
it was never not
going to be
dissonance. Cognate.
there are different baptisms.
do you remember that?
who am I?
it started to rain.
as long as you can
think and as long as you
can feel, that is the ritual.......

Some myths die hard. They outlast everything else. 

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