Thursday, January 12, 2017

Compass Cast

Dance. Baile. Baile. Tango Energético
spun galaxy-wise, call and transmission.
elemental directional, Inhale at Morning,
Flicker scintilla of South, Swirl in Pacific,
Full Fathom Fishy, Feel gravity and root
Earthing the three.

La luz as Serpent rises up the spine. She
dances through. This is the invokation.
Flame is our Lady. Flame is Her hair.
I am the bird of Flame. Phoenix.
Conflagrations, dance, invokation,
are a process to be savored in loving awareness.
The Scarlet practice, lunar tuned in the
body-electric, razor walk of woman,
to be multiplied by strange fate of the body.
To thus embody the Absolute.

Sacrifice is scintillating flesh
alight with Infinitude. That is
the instruction, become by


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