Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Come, Temple Mount

Invoked, we live invokation
spirits house to haunt and
temple to the ineffable beauty
-- in spite of, because of --
its dark quantity. Soul's
quasar song of creation rises
from the seed of its destruction
In every way like rocket science.
Love requires the hard-won
strange-sweet and knowing.
Alters and alters not,
alteration conquered
forward is often through.
It's a transubstantiation tango, this.
sunrise insanguination,
exsanguinating it also sets
darkside face shows spark
to divinity, the contrast stitch,
the cut, the knife's edge--
etched through with knowing
born of sacrifice. You have to
Tear your colors out of Black.
if you would see them
dark and light are flip sides
of the rainbow.

rgb cmyk curious poetry
the explanation.  Suppositions,
and orientation. strange scriptures.
the myth part gets dark
Iris is the flower of Walla
Those tracks have been here
a while. spooky as all get out.
teaching and learning are two
sides of the whole.

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