Thursday, January 5, 2017


Sassafrass sunset and a burnt sugar halo,
ubiquitous sweet. Our minds are shiny now
slick, slow and seething. It's thousands of eyes
in simultaneous present viewing multiple dimensions
It's a flood and a rush and thunder and lightning--
very very frightening, so you'll have to let go.
The world as we received it was too small,
such that by our existence we must expand it
to encompass. This is why the wrong lust is so.
the being is the task. Fire has many forms.

Every critter having the amount of skullgoop
to tan its own hide. Or perhaps to do otherwise.
The air sparkles this day in the sunlight,
so cold and bright and all is aswirl in tiny crystals
to arrest oneself on occasion in the beauty
to hold ideas lightly, paradox sampler

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