Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Road in Road Ahead

You bring the x road
You. are. it. the job
is to transcend, it is
always the task to bloom
Your road is inward,
and that must be a good
road, Revenge is to
be left as a sacrifice.
You put it down,
puke it out, let the
light purify it. Wait.
This is going to come
in. The peace you seek
know that. renounce
all thought of revenge,
and then bring beauty
in through the work.
painting showed the
way to send it to the
heavens. to send it
to earth. to make it
beautiful. You placed
seeds of your anger
and then make them
bloom into something.
This is what you do.
The tree grows here
You are blooming. all
else makes way for such
a transformation. That
which is not phoenix it
consumed. It rises  or
is transferred.

This will be the testament.
You already walked in flame.
Cracked wide open. Don't
even pretend to be that again.
Just release the other. You
no longer fix. or curse. or
do anything but acquiesce,
that the real thing can come
in. Ask for good and let
the bad go its own way.
The rose climbs free.

the Love work

Maybe you feel it too.
It's not always pleasant
I'm am working to cast
away the chains of past
That you might be my
pure and angel. Those
bindings between run
ocean deep. Cast away
what is not to love and

The work. You may not
understand my work,
But support. Support it.
The destiny is beauty.
You have to live it to
create this trancendensce
It is not to forget or even
to exorcise the dark
but to understand it as
a part, this is clear-- a part
of what makes the destiny
it represents as the profound
ecstacy in transcendence.

Your trouble often is also
your path to the heroic.
this  in mythic, but real,
at the intersection of this
world and the worlds beyond
This is a crossroad is every

I am looking for the nexus,
of where the thing began
how it works.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Rose Spectacles

Bloom explode
and delicate-unfold
elegance in expression
of expansion in unison,
Vega, great swirling

Moving into a great rhizome
of ever expanding weblike
black and red and the center
becomes any point one focuses
on.  pomegranate

Dire, the thirst for vengeance.
for you own sake it must die.

Lady Medusa sidles in for
a vastly sinuous look around.


She's the red witch
for which to watch.
She takes
what she wants. You.
Best acquiesce once
she arrives a whirl
of scarlet annunciation.
She's picking up
speed, coming on
strong. Get ready.

Get ready right now.
You have a lesson.
You need your instinct.

I listen as best I can.
Blend dark and light,
rainbow night. Hive.

Dark part of Venus.
Gathering strength now.
Protected long from
fancy and obsession
by the time of unfolding.
Dream Vessel.  Process.
Vega. You're a deep sea
monstrosity bioluminescing.
Forging light, outlandish,
or exotic creature.
Harp of Orpheus.
Unfold. Burnt here two
fires. Nexus making.
The feathered serpent
born at edge of night
takes cosmic flight
as dark butterfly. Some
things-- knowledge and
life-- are best stolen.
Things are moving.
So much remains the same,
and so the direction is
not averted. Timeweave,
the process. Dreaming
vessel. Pagan poetry.
This represents an evolution.
To global, to virtual,
to time weaving.

Vega's entrance into
eternity by way of Venus.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Abre Almas

Fireflies in night trees.
Nightbirds' requiem
Owl cry and smoke
Not just the fires burning
in the wilderness, but
rising from every object
the dogs smoldering
not noticing-- remember
you smoked spirit.
sugarland-- out of time.
Now that you've heard
hesitancy gave. Two
heads she steps in
on the day of Mars in
hour of Venus.

Transmission Venus.
Awaiting instruction
matters urgent.

Marabo of stellar
mysteries, of xroad,
and crow.

Vega. Whirling deepest
purple. What is this
planet to the sun? A
little dream? Anything?

Pine is of the Calunga,
wise death tree.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Tree of Fire

There is a tree that grows
in the heart of the infernal fire
The fruits here are the sweetest
St. George, awaken.

Open the Way

 9 to north, 7 one way 3 final addition.
scorpion stang. this crossroad variation.
don't get the details wrong. Edges of night.
The title thus changed. Dusk is your time.
Like the darkness rainbow. Here comes
Alice having acquired some slightly
used ruby slippers, knew the do-see-do.
A band of choreographed moves is
not the way of the dancer who moves
from spirit. I'm learning what to ignore.
You see your complicity. Grid 49
coming back into focus. I recognize the
ponto to Figueira do Inferno. It was shown.

Streets Empty For Me

I finally have moved a bit.
 Into the world. Like new
released dove. In imagination.
To see through many eyes is
to have your own narrow vision
perceived such for the first
time, to feel the loosing of
boundaries of self, this is
There's a reason you resonate
to the tree that grows in
harshness and bears fruit.
you are to understand it as
a complex. Contact with
part, is contact with all
parts and the whole. The
pomegranate is yours. the
sacrement. But you knew.
Just like the dream vessel.
having done so much time
work -- you can't see the
part now yet either. If
you're good at crazy, water
girl, you won't lose it. Drink
and don't get drunk. That's
the power dance. Two heads.
Or, perhaps many. It will continue.
The tree of doves has roots
in yoga. kundalini. Which
to t flies with phoenix fire.
The crossroads within is
a main locale. clearing.
It's an astonishingly beautiful
thing that I perceive in this.
It's there the fruit grows.
You have a huge landscape.
So lovely harsh and sweet.
All who would here enter
are the creatures of ambiguity,
as you know so well. To
embody so many oppositions
that they inhabit a wholeness.
Maria. Interlocutors las almas
walk there. The whirling
melodies baroque. White
doves. Sete points to the
mystery of that certain crossroad.
last three will be chilis.
A scorpion stang. It's how
you write now. with heads
on. Head on.

Livin on a powder keg
and givin off sparks, are you?

Friday, February 24, 2017


I am continually confronted
by past pre-cognitions. I'm
busy in time. Spooky actions,
like the dreaming vessel, red
and twisted. The black and red
pieces. Lulu. The pool of serenity.
Walla Walla. Incubus. I'm way up
into some stuff here. I'm hard
headed. The cuts from high school.
The words just came from other.
This is where the myth of the muses.
Everyone has heard this flow.
Some get it down once in a while
in a form. It's Her voice humming
in the cosmos they hear -- the
buzzing hive.  Every true artist
is a medium. Renounce something.
A demand of result. Do not
succumb to extremes. You're
own private dancer. tarot:
ten pentacles. Myrna Loy?
Star anise, cloves.
What they miss is the hive-
nature. From north by
the railroad tracks where
the datura flowered, seven
blocks. Things in my life
take place out of time and
by my own instruction. There's
a serpentine dance, I'm shown.
It's why they watch. You are
theirs. Sete Maridos. I feel
acutely the nearing turn of
Venus as an itch.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Not Another

Not one more day.
 Not one more day.
 Not one more day.
 Not one more day.
 One more not day.
 One not more day.
 One day not more.
 One day more not.
Day not one more.
 Day one not more.
Day more not one.
Day more one not.
 More day not one.
 More not one day.
 More one not day.
 More day day not.

Sunder Thresh

Baile. It's time to start the boogie,
electric boogaloo, slide,
and tango. Do not forget

Launch. You've got wings.
You're made to fly. Fasten.
upright position. assist other

Kaliedoscopic. but
this does not yield
to simplification. Prime.
This record for spiders.
There is a trail of breadcrumbs,
and maybe strange birds
lite. Let your legions loose,
they say.

Sing. The songstress stopped,
but it's time again. Step into
the dark world. Spirit. They


Go where the stolen rose
grows. Alma. Forever.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Crossroad Variation

 You are the crossroads. You contain the paths
 and directions. Four queens. This again, the
serpentine path of Maria Medusa. This is
 your path. Strange thing. Your heart
was for no ONE.

 The rainbow runs through your left eye.
 now. or it can be a fountain of star.
 Split. And Split. Crossroads
variation on the Venus

 Sacrifices are only sacrifices if they are
things you would consume.
Be thankful. for instruction.
 Maria Medusa.
 Each other.

Dream vessels, the invokation
 waiting the message. Venus,
 Mars and Uranus, together at
 Andromeda this moment. Will is clear, if you can let go. 

Arrows must be released in order to fly.
 Andromeda is the mirror image.
 of Lady Medusa. Andromdeda facet.
Dragon lady. To see through thine every
 pomegranate-hued shard vision bourne
on the rainbow beam of mine left eye.

Remember the wild and free kind of power,
drunk on its own joy, power--- joy. Let go
to that. The rest sorts fast if you get out
get out of the way. Spring free.

Alma, this one, Alma watch the road.
Pink. You're here. They named you=
for this. I know your secret.


You weren't there when we tamed the wolves-- but it's a good example. They saved us so many times. Stand guard over babes and crops all of those eyes that waking sleep and sleeping wake. They protected us from you. Frequently. You were the danger oft as not. So, of course you were there. Had followed them hunting. But never saw how we became wolf-mothers.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Box of Blackness

Pandora opened a Box of Blackness
 and saw nothing
 Nothing germinated
Nothing grew
Nothing became
Nothing bloomed
What flowed in at edge of day atomic-
Mojave.  acquiescence is optional.
But it would be a lot cooler if you did.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Bike Messenger

The message of a memory?
Mid-summer our neighbor,
he dressed all in black
sleeves, pants, ski mask.
a short, disheveled ninja,
gone to fat. This several
times as we sat rocking
watching sunset. He rode
a squeaky old bike in circles

around and around the block.
Incognito, sweating,
fleeing in place.

Maria Medusa-- Librarian

She planted a seed
 of a fertility goddess
 deep inside them

 which grew into the
pomegranate at the heart
of their garden in every
single way tasted this
fruit of goddess - knowledge

She is going to be heard.
 raining roses she goes.
 Hummingbird is the emisary--
Remember her magic, dancer.

Look. You're here, right?
So pay attention. Many
neglected skeins. We
are shattering the view
from every angle.

Scintilla shaker. In the
Look at you
avoided mirrors so long...
 It's about this this medium,
the reach of mind.
You've already with your multiples
. You knew you were casting a net
even as you did it. The intention
was sustained, now we're here.

Lonely work. Polinators and flower.
 to fruit. Miriad. This description
a guide to her on a path made of
serpents. Her children, lowly to you.
 Medusa is in the house of Red
and she has a message.
Thousands of eyes aswirl.
It's so much of beauty and its dark lovely twin.

Know that I'm spinning web
in my myth cycle, catching
neglected treads, re-knitting
the rents. It's funny kind of,
laying tracks to be followed.
It's what we're supposed to
be afraid of. You see what I
did there. Medium/Message
and, you get it. We're tracking
all over this thing.
Hiding in plain sight all allall
of the time.

Be careful what you wish for,
they say. Don't they always say,
because they must have known.
Goldberg is a lesson. I
invoke the bird of flame.
This is to be renewal.
A Super power gone the way
of carnivalé. Double double,
toil and trouble. If it's discovered,
it will be after a while.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Wheel, Nameless, Tower.

With a Bow on Top

Remember. That was hard core. now let GO.


you took far too much
for someone so unkind.

Bottom line.


Remember those sown, 
long ago and recent.
See what you have knit.
that was a lot of the
technique. Telling again:

go back in time
and pull a few threads
connections remain
this is now work you
done did curse, so end

that. and it is done.
over. it was a
thing of beauty -- darkling.
channels open, clear
don't worry about

form You have the energy
it's tuned-- frequency
You'll see a road map.

Tune each incarnation
by the signals. helps
focus. there are many
knowing stories allows
tuning. symbols.

You need few props.
you can see it, so you can
bring it in anywhere
line the myths up with
the political to your liking.

venus and lunar cycles,
mythologize forward.
Colula lives in the waters

magical-- real---ism.

Northern Union

Love someone truly
and deeply, love is
the way we repair

ourselves, it is not
the fool, and it is,
this is the letting
go and the re-capturing.

One without the other is truly meaningless.
it self-resolves. you
are struggling when you
need only acquiesce. Don't forget this MOMENT.

You got the spirit
now. Don't ever not
keep this in your mind.
The outdoors just turned
to sparkles swirling. tiny, miniscule prisms.
lasted half a minute. Heart of a thousand hearts,
seven seeds taken-sacred

Pomegranate Tree

 Serpent climbs
 Doves erupt
 tobacco and
 sweet liquor
ground strewn
with rose petals
-- tears of joy as
she arrives herald
the miriad beauty
of scarlet Venus

Friday, February 10, 2017

Awhirl She Arrives in Red

Gyre and gimble,
walk in beauty,
softness of night.
Starry clime. Serpent
and rainbow, perfumed
in attar. Remember
the journey. It turns.
On wing of dove
jeweled, silken

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Sometimes Lost Things

Sometimes a song is so eerie in
the way it time travels you back,
Like I'm in San Antonio now.
It's so strange how things changed.
the feeling of fate can be burdensome,
it is at these moments one remembers
the reason for magic.

Strange Foundations. Her Name is BEAUTY

Recount. Start at Mojave.
Time gets more malleable.
Go back. This was a dream.

Sometimes what matters is telling the story.
to grasp the thing that happened.
Here's how it went down:

It followed me home.
That was a beginning. Or there was the unspeakable thing,
the strange initiation at seven. I did have to develop for
horror. It occurs to me that the watching of horror movies
must spring from existential boredom. At best.
I always thought I was dead or dying when I left.
then I learned that I just had these things.
break it open now. they are here. move. obstacl../
the dreaming practice.
then there was Ala*. Working-- Hogback.

what came that way. dreaming took many turns. I live
in Twin Waters now. I understand that I am about to finalize the
myth and become hydra headed. Two seemingly divergent
aims don't necessarily contradict. opacity. to myself. I
hid in strange guises. I smuggled a great deal in.
It's necessary now to remember all. There are a lot of
pieces. It's a map, of sorts, to the spirit. Tell it properly.
and it's a gate and a key and an invitation to enter and
a command engagement. Dream it and pour your attar
upon it. Let it beguile and spell. Give it wings to
be itself. This is the story of the w. character. nightblue.
mockingbird. starshine. I think I begin to understand
the spinning of the hydra head. This is the beginning of
recounting. Reconnoitering the wreck. Time does spin.