Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Strange Foundations. Her Name is BEAUTY

Recount. Start at Mojave.
Time gets more malleable.
Go back. This was a dream.

Sometimes what matters is telling the story.
to grasp the thing that happened.
Here's how it went down:

It followed me home.
That was a beginning. Or there was the unspeakable thing,
the strange initiation at seven. I did have to develop for
horror. It occurs to me that the watching of horror movies
must spring from existential boredom. At best.
I always thought I was dead or dying when I left.
then I learned that I just had these things.
break it open now. they are here. move. obstacl../
the dreaming practice.
then there was Ala*. Working-- Hogback.

what came that way. dreaming took many turns. I live
in Twin Waters now. I understand that I am about to finalize the
myth and become hydra headed. Two seemingly divergent
aims don't necessarily contradict. opacity. to myself. I
hid in strange guises. I smuggled a great deal in.
It's necessary now to remember all. There are a lot of
pieces. It's a map, of sorts, to the spirit. Tell it properly.
and it's a gate and a key and an invitation to enter and
a command engagement. Dream it and pour your attar
upon it. Let it beguile and spell. Give it wings to
be itself. This is the story of the w. character. nightblue.
mockingbird. starshine. I think I begin to understand
the spinning of the hydra head. This is the beginning of
recounting. Reconnoitering the wreck. Time does spin.

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