Thursday, February 16, 2017

Maria Medusa-- Librarian

She planted a seed
 of a fertility goddess
 deep inside them

 which grew into the
pomegranate at the heart
of their garden in every
single way tasted this
fruit of goddess - knowledge

She is going to be heard.
 raining roses she goes.
 Hummingbird is the emisary--
Remember her magic, dancer.

Look. You're here, right?
So pay attention. Many
neglected skeins. We
are shattering the view
from every angle.

Scintilla shaker. In the
Look at you
avoided mirrors so long...
 It's about this this medium,
the reach of mind.
You've already with your multiples
. You knew you were casting a net
even as you did it. The intention
was sustained, now we're here.

Lonely work. Polinators and flower.
 to fruit. Miriad. This description
a guide to her on a path made of
serpents. Her children, lowly to you.
 Medusa is in the house of Red
and she has a message.
Thousands of eyes aswirl.
It's so much of beauty and its dark lovely twin.

Know that I'm spinning web
in my myth cycle, catching
neglected treads, re-knitting
the rents. It's funny kind of,
laying tracks to be followed.
It's what we're supposed to
be afraid of. You see what I
did there. Medium/Message
and, you get it. We're tracking
all over this thing.
Hiding in plain sight all allall
of the time.

Be careful what you wish for,
they say. Don't they always say,
because they must have known.
Goldberg is a lesson. I
invoke the bird of flame.
This is to be renewal.
A Super power gone the way
of carnivalé. Double double,
toil and trouble. If it's discovered,
it will be after a while.

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