Tuesday, February 28, 2017

the Love work

Maybe you feel it too.
It's not always pleasant
I'm am working to cast
away the chains of past
That you might be my
pure and angel. Those
bindings between run
ocean deep. Cast away
what is not to love and

The work. You may not
understand my work,
But support. Support it.
The destiny is beauty.
You have to live it to
create this trancendensce
It is not to forget or even
to exorcise the dark
but to understand it as
a part, this is clear-- a part
of what makes the destiny
it represents as the profound
ecstacy in transcendence.

Your trouble often is also
your path to the heroic.
this  in mythic, but real,
at the intersection of this
world and the worlds beyond
This is a crossroad is every

I am looking for the nexus,
of where the thing began
how it works.

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