Monday, February 27, 2017


She's the red witch
for which to watch.
She takes
what she wants. You.
Best acquiesce once
she arrives a whirl
of scarlet annunciation.
She's picking up
speed, coming on
strong. Get ready.

Get ready right now.
You have a lesson.
You need your instinct.

I listen as best I can.
Blend dark and light,
rainbow night. Hive.

Dark part of Venus.
Gathering strength now.
Protected long from
fancy and obsession
by the time of unfolding.
Dream Vessel.  Process.
Vega. You're a deep sea
monstrosity bioluminescing.
Forging light, outlandish,
or exotic creature.
Harp of Orpheus.
Unfold. Burnt here two
fires. Nexus making.
The feathered serpent
born at edge of night
takes cosmic flight
as dark butterfly. Some
things-- knowledge and
life-- are best stolen.
Things are moving.
So much remains the same,
and so the direction is
not averted. Timeweave,
the process. Dreaming
vessel. Pagan poetry.
This represents an evolution.
To global, to virtual,
to time weaving.

Vega's entrance into
eternity by way of Venus.

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