Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Road in Road Ahead

You bring the x road
You. are. it. the job
is to transcend, it is
always the task to bloom
Your road is inward,
and that must be a good
road, Revenge is to
be left as a sacrifice.
You put it down,
puke it out, let the
light purify it. Wait.
This is going to come
in. The peace you seek
know that. renounce
all thought of revenge,
and then bring beauty
in through the work.
painting showed the
way to send it to the
heavens. to send it
to earth. to make it
beautiful. You placed
seeds of your anger
and then make them
bloom into something.
This is what you do.
The tree grows here
You are blooming. all
else makes way for such
a transformation. That
which is not phoenix it
consumed. It rises  or
is transferred.

This will be the testament.
You already walked in flame.
Cracked wide open. Don't
even pretend to be that again.
Just release the other. You
no longer fix. or curse. or
do anything but acquiesce,
that the real thing can come
in. Ask for good and let
the bad go its own way.
The rose climbs free.

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