Friday, June 2, 2017


Anniversary Red Shift
Love furthest and best
Laugh because you have
to laugh. The song is
upbeat and low tempo
think of the possibilities
that was the first revelation
that's why the shifting
voices times rhythms.
space rocket deep sea
as above so below so
to all the levels you go
into the blue--water
flowing underground
which is the same, same
as it ever was. appreciate.
slow. deliberate. studies.
rushing is fear. take waking
slow. the way out is through.
Listen to what you speak
oracular. mine detail.
that bit both medium and
message. 26. August.

question worded precisely,
determine when resonance achieved
be open to the message changing
from the point of the audience
watching Hamlet dissected
stem to stern, provokes
a unity born of understanding
Dionysus always wins
because if Apollo holds
the fracture isn't avoided
break or multiply-
Praxis is all over this.
Linguistics, dogs,
literalism, or not,
metaphor, anti
what if you can't
judge a book--
by its cover or other.

It's better to have
fought for the voice
you'll not tolerate
slackness, for discipline,
this is the dance. dance.
It's a move to an invokation.
I dance like a fool, I'm a
 wild one. break it loose.
keep em swinging wild.

Volcano. it's decontamination.

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