Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Mirror Kisses

Heart open.
Making a Medusa Myth
of a witch. West in Texas
Make a mirror that is a
more extravagant iteration
because it's a beauty contest
Oh, Mata Hari, invokation,
the best things in life are free.
Because they flie aflame into
the wild of the new ecosystem.

Free because the will to be free
a thing contained wants to be free
engage this as you wish, to bind and
to banish. Will engaged nothing because
the myth of the all powered is what
you become, intending yourself ever
forward ----- times and times which
each and every invoke theirownreapeatingever
iterations. This scary sweet sublime flame my
words on my tongue my scary. so sweet. Sublime.

Using means that engage the wild child nets
a light fish. Whom netted whom, is, of course,
the question, really, so try out a glamour in the
film star and the part of a real gentleman. Cast
cast cast the thing multiple ways. three timelines
interwoven, each with sprouts.

hag in reverse
witch, main, in all directions that subsume the other two---->>>
dick in reverse
Directions general. Not specific.
The beginning at the end with the pair places them together in hell.
He dies in the room by mysterious means at a later date. down the
way and as an aside. When dealing with spirits of honor, if that is
what you choose, then displaying same is crucial. Word is bond because
intent carries through in spirit. Conjure it done by meaning your every
syllable. That the thing is paid, written away is the intent. A pile of gold
run on the pure desire to seek a strenuous destiny. I summon the glamour
of adoration. Cancel this debt by intent that it is not in any way binding
because you are undoing the shitbaggery they are running.
This is a message to the future, so using any method, it
is delivered. See it as fireworks for the raimiment of the phoenix wearing
the great glimmering Milky Way as a veil of mystery cast on her-strange=eye=
wild-and-going-to-the-out-and-out-and-out-scape this invokation is tendered
to the eternal and to the what you would kill over the principle. Not to become
a thing overthrown. There are certain things one takes, and knowledge is one.

Keep boundary. non-negotiable with vampires. Anything that wishes to penalize Life-
all of that is rejected. All of that runs on rot. I'm commandeering the energy to the
higher purpose. The energy of this world, the great astounding beauty orb in a crown
of supreme renown, harness as a shot to the stars, reppin' the hood galactic. This I
intend to the growing glowing ever flowing into wow. wow. wow star signal sent here.
wow. They don't see the dimension it came from. Why would they? For those creatures
it doesn't exist.

Bourroughs lessons to the extent that they free the story.

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