Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Mirror Kisses

Self referential reiteration
machine. First time trauma
a seed. Nobody said it wouldn't
scar intricately-- a ritual rip, incision, 
rent, or needlework to heal all manner
of complicated. Smile, Spell Cast.

In my heart there is a love song. 
Hanging out the stars to light us
back home to shining bright. All 
manner of wrong. All manner of
right. It's gone both. At Last.

Candelabra overhead held
Seven. The poverty of spirit
dismissed. The terror disassembled.
Faced, passed over and through,
words like blades, glister, wanton,
hone, unbare nerve or wanton bone,
to debone the frozen angel, to flay,
to analyze, the workings of such a
play, an offering.

What a complicated angel to flay,
it is. Worse than most poultry and the
quills do prick. Damages make a
complicated sorcery, but lovely
beyond expression, so we sing to
the very all fantastic, even to its
dark parts.

Of course. Crazy by the standards
of an insane system. What kind of
creature most fears pleasure? That's
a sort of riddle of the sphinx of a
different color. Am I not shaken
to the core by my own strange
Ecstasies? Many seers of Venus
must bear the torments of the
fantasmagoric wow explosion,
but with great commitment to one
becomes accustomed the most
outrageous wonders. Which is
how the best dreaming gets done.

"This isn't gonna get you to Walla Walla."
In fact it rather seems it will, some odd
detours, but all roads run through all roads.

Creative instinct the wellspring of vitality.

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