Saturday, June 24, 2017

Dark Moon Rise

North Dragon
night of renewal
open road to Venus
black one with silver
Crown. Sheer light
I Bring a Song Of Silence.

The kiss of the Dragon
opens the shimmer path.
I call out from deep night.
North. Spirit, Black, of
claw and hoof and talon,
wing spread we meet again,
forgotten names, spirit of air,
Dragon head, Lunar embrace.

Black candle at the Northern
Gate, I ring silence like a bell,
and it rings moonbeam dark
Bere the silence is the sound
light ringing in its own absence.

I, homeless, Matter and Spirit,
I become my fullness, exponential.
My skin belongs to night, let it be worn
by all of her creatures. Serpent, owl, spirits
I offer my flame to the Queen of the Night
Flame for our Lady. Spirits guide me
to the throne of the Night Queen.
I call Love. Teach me. I aspire.
My essence is the token I give.
I renew.

I offer myself that I become whole.
I ground myself to conquer myself,
Queen of Witchblood. Let me rise.
Phoenix from the fire of Love.

Amen. Amen. Amen...

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