Monday, June 19, 2017

Goetia and Essences

Rituals are for this
pick out the essences
ritual is what is canonized
and accreted based on
one person's channeled
knowledge. Open to
be your own personal
radio to the stars and
each ritual is born into
real time. Each one a
bloom to her own.

Ham radio, aeolian harp
to star and back, message
sent--- message received.
This broadcast out of time
place and so I deterritoialize
and reterritorialize the future
as weaver/self in the web
something out there understands.

So, tango. Since you know
you really want to. I know
one listens at my left, and
i hear this too. Don't forget
that it's about beauty. Don't
even catch yourself explaining.
That. Note to self to do as they ask.
Trippy bitch is what she callssss.
Me. Shazam I'm Isis on Saturday
Morning Teevee. Dead or Alive.
That's what it's like, your bestie
spirit side. Cake and eat it.

Call. It's a spirit handshake.
Bi-lateral peace signs flashed high,
fingers crossed arms crossed over
the heart, Besties. Alma. Heartbreak
Beat Feels Like Love goes on and on.
We can only imagine, so imagine we do,
this dreaming is our collective flight
catching hold in the daylight. eclipse,
this portends. We loft collective more
to the dreamside, which is this chaosis.
Listen to this. The medium is the
message and the signal. Bands of
significations. I have made certain
alliances with spirits who cast sheen
so do they gleam. IN SSSX.
Echo. Wallsey. Walla Walla.

Vicarious experiences spirits
recall with us some times Sweet
girl never found out who she was
Inez. The sparkle in your eyes keeps
me alive. It's all what you can take with you.
With this we seek to forge a timeline. >>>
Moving out into the directions. Ally.
I join the pure light directly intending
its amplification in dilution to
millions, I am the remedy. It's a song.
Weirder one of the pair you are.

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