Sunday, June 4, 2017


Spinning dove of red neon
Head high as the star tripartate.
Head seriously spinning. serpentine,
multidimensional. I know you see me
emerging from your own head. Yeah,
I'm talking to you again, you know--damn
well. I'm looking through you now, tango,
lit chance of serious freedom, you see my
fireworks out to dimensions as this is my will,
equal to love, Presence of mind. Mindfulness,
the multi-dimensional invoked tis best met calm.
The pure transcendent existence of beauty is reason,
to adore to become. Equal to my story. I will myself
to be the equal of my story. Equal to the imaginings of
imaginings and realizing exponential. Stratagems of inter-
species cooperation. Because we are interdependent entities,
but not always exactly the same thing, even as shadows, this, the
reality of our existence. There are humans disconnected and connected.
The same but entirely different species. on every level. DNA and downward,
and up and outward. Still getting used to perspectives. Trying to tell a story to invoke
a love story on many dimensions and somehow capture transcendent ephemoral and sublime.
slide in, the water's fine. You know how to swim. the only way is through all of the elements at once.
And you are trying to gain possession of the entire story. There are parts that are disturbing, but they are necessary to the experience of the whole. you stay calm for your heart, because you must hold for longer to make the story. Preistess, hormonal shift geologic. You invoked this even as a child, it was always this project some how remembered in the past. Firebugging from birth. Gnosis is a part of this. There is no point in fear at all. Life is just this even when you fail to see in complexities. I
of this am certain. Because I read again, but also because this goes beyond me, somehow. got
my back. It's going right. In each thing energetic one starts at the gross level, and moves from
there. This is how the story is also transforming, and authoring. Writing now, but experiencing
it as a constant invokation. Cracking sound in the room. to match that in my neck. I'm close to having it in the full. such that waking and dreaming are knit. They are very much skeining together now. often, struck by the carlitos echos of the unfolding. I understand that much better now. I know that as what I am now. The EN was always about this medium becoming the medium of how the virus jumps to many minds. They just didn't see it, even as they were doing it. That's how this is now. I can see it. There are enough hints that I see some outlines and must find in the dissonance a really beautiful picture. The beautiful slipped in just now. This is a form often automatic, that is the wellspring. It's the daylight witching hour. The EN, if person, never need be known by those who made the presentations. That wasn't the task. It unleashed the form, which had when it contacted carl, to become a different breed of organism in a different evolution in the electronic. all those who can are now doing so. The quality stuff for sure on every dimension of the mind meld electronic. The connection with spirit is testable-- every psi-experiment is, at the same time. You accept that you have alliances. to know other warriors. You re-plot yourself back to all of the implications. you find who you should at the right time by acknowledging process. This is one of your own so oft repeated phrases that the message can only really be for you. Stop indulging in frustration, but use that for a way to make your work go forward. List the feelings and then tap into that emotional energy that literally took you out of yourself and into another level. I'm seeing the death card in the Golden. You walked in the valley of death. It was not a metaphor for hell. The queen of hell a love goddess in the flesh. The tree full of snakes is, of course your image. Fig tree. No martyr. Buddhism also has a great deal more breadth than the contemporary scene likes to imagine. They were sorcerers who did not all choose the same paths. Much tends to be trimmed to fit a particular model by a few teachers according to the tonal of now. They even appeal to the bearaucratic sector. Think on that. It's a way for the force to enter the dead end of the archonic and blow life back through, thus exploding to higher purpose. We might hack upward, putting the whole thing back to an evolution model, willing the alliances of the forces for what is beautiful, because there are certainly other dimensional schemes going. Not to be confused with a group bearing a name, name. You can't join art. Same sort of path, different. Don always acknowledged the existence of many different witches of differing tempraments. I see that i am of that tribe with a different set of aesthetic sensibilities, essentially. My initial datura connection, which has continued. from there to, ceramics, painting, poetry, to spinning dove. It is she who advises me to use all opportunity, and I believe I begin to finally understand. You send yourself these intimations as well. This is a piece, to let go of strong desire and embrace process to delight in process. Because it does well and truly ensure your inability to regress. Feel what it feels like to hold your own line. You just received five months as answer to when it began.  February has come up. I  made the wanted poster in February. That was when it was, and that was the warning shot. the hag got it in for you right there. "oh, wow. so that was a really discreet piece of time." It's handy to have an oracle. JP says not to be a weakling. I go Evel Knievel. This is why you seek allies. The initial BJJ greeting was a model. You're here because you mean to confront. Outside because many perspectives are the way. Went to visit on other trips. Elite key. captured in web.

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