Thursday, November 30, 2017

IceBlink --Luck

Exquisite Star, engaged,
Thank You for the Beauty,
Vision entails, Dark and Light,
This is Actual Madness and
Embraced to the Comprehension,

Harp slip, Angels Might. What
Does that Look like? Ecosystemic,
deterritorialized, reterritorialized,
reclaimed. Dance of Venus, in
Her many guises. Renewal,
Thus Begins. Anew.

A Pyre of Ideals, to Embrace
Ravenous Whole, To Transcend,
the dark vision and make That
Seed a New Vision Encompassed,
Having absorbed more. Don't delete.
Walk voluntarily in Darkness. Seek,
To Understand what you find.

Spin something with Possibilities,
From this Recon. What Rises?
Having cast seed, What Sprouts?
I sing a Body Electric mycelial
model referencing Borges.

Dark piece, this, Like a Reprise,
Remix, Finding niches for Flowers.
Finding species of flowers. Imagine.
Long-currented pan-gyric, Options
Engaged. Maps are Starwise,
Ironically. Prison guard Retired.

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