Thursday, November 2, 2017

Venus Solitary

Venus–The Unaspected Venus was put on earth to learn about love. It is a weighty lesson. However, as with all Unaspected Planets, the native won’t stop until he is done. Either that, or he gives up completely. There seems to be an either/or dichotomy with Unaspected Planets. At any rate, the Unaspected Venus must learn about love through the doing. Love is the hardest part of being a human. It is the easiest, as well, as it is so natural. The Unaspected Venus must learn the lesson of how to use love. Love is a cruel taskmaster in that you do not tell him what to do. If you do, he will bite. You must yield. Yield to yourself. Yield to life. Yield to others. In yielding, you will be pricked . You will have pain the force of fire. However, within the pain, you will cast aside dross. You will find that under the dross is a purity of spirit, as in a child. You have had to make a very long trip to get back from where you started.


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