Saturday, November 25, 2017


Looking at time, one perceives a current. This is, of course a metaphor, but the best I can come up with. You came into your life in this current of events, this pure dynamism of constant motion, of attraction and repulsion and surface tension and cosmic cataclysm and rush and flow. From the vastness of the cosmos, quite literally, to energetic minutia of thought, this stream that translates in our infinitessimal lives into personal, familial, internal, psychic dramas in ways that we experience as time in forward motion. It's much more dimensionally complex than that, much less predictable than that model implies, which is where our assumptions about the world come into direct conflict with possibility. Here's the thing: master this lesson in some way in your existence. Master the full complexity of what a look at, and true reckoning with, the past shows you. Then do something with that. If you can do this real transformation in one part of yourself, it will be the spark. If you can do this in one part of yourself and you can be sparked so can others. We must carry light.

You literally do not have an option of sanitizing the past, not even with time travel. That's in the stream. You do have the option of finding yourself in a current and learning how that current has operated in the formation of what you now experience as your "self." This all sounds so abstract, mainly because it's very simple and it applies to everything. In a lot of dimensions, if you get out there much.

The interesting part of this is what observation yields upon a slight application of this odd sparkle stuff of imagination. That truly turns strange fast and reveals, through soundings, through dissonances, through assayment, shatterings, repairs, and every mode of inquiry at imagination's hest,  a different story about the current, a complex tale in itself, and one that looks to have many sockets.

Apparently this mysticism stuff gets into some pretty gooshy territory. Don't know what to tell you. Any account of this is going to be fucking bizarre. Shit. Yeah. It will be.

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