Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Wyrdest Piece, Somehow

Straight forward in the direction of Venus, orientation. Left hand the North, Right the South, West as foundation. It's a game of hide and seek in my mind. It's a piece of how the glamour works in the media. It's the nature of this imaginal beast. There is great beauty. That, in the end, is the message. Also, contain your own contradictions without exploding. Create balance by application of will. The only opposition is between fear and love, and fear is based in the fear of alienation from love which is, as the source of all: fear's own source, and thus an illusion. And the situation isn't not ironic. But that's the beauty.

The implication of this is that the world comes tumbin' down. Literally to om and such. Any complete meditation on the multitudinous paths of love as we etch it into ourselves, is a way of knowledge.

Possibly also, a fertile ground the succession in demise of our collective idols.

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