Thursday, November 2, 2017

Matchbox Ace

Mojave serpentine.
Come in Captain,
My Captain Marvel.

Sidewind like the
wind over sand.
Marvel Mojave.

Pink Blow, Bunny,
Mercury gone Neon,
Electric Oronos.

Glow Light out,
to the Territories,

Give me the words.
To say everything.
Everything. Absence.

There. The red balloon.
My heart. I empty.
To fly. Raven delivered.

Eyes aglow, I drink
the world with my senses,
Appetite unending-- In Love.

So beautiful, the blood races,
Phosphoresce, luminous,
a Reflection of Her Fire.

Desire. Unassisted.
Lazzzer beaming swords,
Diamond, Atomic, Spirit.

Ritual Record. Shadow.
This vision. Ritual in
Action. One foot on each side.

Alchemical wedding. It
just happened. Normal.
day. Physical Works.

Born to be wild.
Is the lesson of Matter.
The nature of Love.

Given to Time.
Medium, Message.
Snap, Crackle, Flash.

Dimpled dazzle New
Laugh. Brace yourself,
Listening. Waiting.

Like the huntress,
Senses rapt on the thrill,
the fill, the joy of pursuit.

This is the best Work.
So laugh out loud.
Shake the foundations.

Of Funkytown. Carnivale
is the element to spawn

Message Received.

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