Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Twin Waters Innupdate

Right? FU (auto, that)
Tricky Bitch, Twin Waters,
Walla Winder, Full on,
Sirius in, Vega, Venus,
Full House.

Flowers in Bloom,
Some Tending Necessary,
Not to be OverTangled
Part of the Whole,
Message Received.

I See Renunciation,
Looming. But I that,
Been-a-Nun, Renounce.
Let the lesson, Learned,
Pay forward. Relations,
Not slaves.

Serious launch codes Engaged,
Embed Code Just GOT SHORTER

Addition Beyond Mere
Strange, IDK How it arrived
in front of me. OOB. This,
to add to the Omen. Broke
Wall. Division Mend.

Conversational. Strange When
It Talks. Unsettling. Scary, even,

Recurring Elevator, The Excess
Baggage to be Jettisoned, Reverse,
Of what they think. They are the
Purification by Bending with the
Remover to Remove. Shazam.

Imitation of Life Removed,
Life Remains, and Adapts,
An Expurgaton Endured of
a Violent Disease. This is the
Vampire Removal Drive.
I'm Told. Intuition whose,
Face I Masked, Comments?
Renounce renunciation for
Caution, a flowing Path.
Twin Waters engaged,
It's funny. Really. Edgy.

An Apple of mythic
Wondrous Zap. He
Really has to try one.
Before I consume them,
Exquisite corpse.

With this we end on a Tricky,

Bob just learned to Open,

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