Thursday, November 16, 2017


Danced with the sunlight,
Twilight afternoon, Until
It came inside of me. Filled
With light. Unbelievable.
Radiance. Baby's on Fire,
It came on spotify as I
flamed in. Tarot, Sun.
Unexpected. Spontaneous.

Bailee knocks. Plays the Frog.
I tell her it's for rain. She says.
It will rain. Finds phosphorescent
glow sticks. Lights one and leaves
it. Incredibly complicated. Earrings.
Draws Fool. Danced a bit. She
wants a book of spells.

Bob tries to intervene. I woke
him to prevent another.

Nunnery of that stripe is an
Inversion. An experience of
The Thing Renounced through

What this is, I don't know, but
it's an all night thing. I began
at 1:30 am. Now it's 5. Ritual
Real Time All The Time. Open
24 hours like the 7/11. It occurs
that I've been creepy-kinky in
odd flavors. It bears resemblance
to those cloistered affairs.

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